08 Oct Let Sleeping Puppies Lie
Hi Puptopians! Happy Wednesday! Today we’re going to discuss your puppy’s sleeping habits. We know just how irresistible a sleeping puppy can be, but it’s time to learn how to resist picking up that bundle of fur when they’re conked out after a long day. Let’s talk about the whys, whats, hows and whens of your puppy’s sleeping routine so both you and your pup can get a good night’s snooze!
Most of the time, your puppy is full of life. For the rest of the time, they’re probably passed out exhausted. These unpredictable sleeping habits can cause erratic sleep routines that may end up keeping your pup (and you) awake at inconvenient hours. Pups definitely need more sleepy time than full grown dogs as their brains develop loads while they’re off in dream land. Starting a good sleep routine from small will help your pup develop good habits and will even help in other areas of their dog training. Here are some important things to think about the next time your puppy takes a nap:
Puppy’s Own Sleeping Spot
Puppies that haven’t had enough sleep can be cranky and irritable. Some puppies will fight falling asleep with all their little puppy might. A great solution for all these problems is creating a quiet, secluded place for your puppy to close its eyes in peace. This will also help form a healthy sleeping habit for your young pup. If your puppy is highly curious and energetic, the distractions of the world will proof too much to ignore. Putting them in a crate or puppy playpen may help them settle down and take a nap. Eventually they’ll get used to the idea of sleeping there and when they get tired, they’ll curl up in their special comfy spot and go to sleep. That’s the end goal, but for now, a quiet, comfortable spot is all your puppy needs to feel safe, peaceful and sleepy.
Expect the Unpredictable
Puppies have incredibly erratic sleep patterns, and the younger they are, the harder it is to predict. There are tons of factors that go into a puppy’s sleep pattern including breed, size and of course, how active they’ve been that day. If your pup is taking lots of naps and can fall asleep almost instantly, there no need to panic. This is all normal for a pupster! Developing a healthy sleep routine comes with age and great training. But for now, let the little fuzz ball sleep. Remember, the more they sleep, the more their brain is developing!
Get Organized!
Your puppy needs structure in its life just like you do. This helps form healthy habits and makes for a well-behaved pup. If you want to get your growing up into a regular and predictable sleeping routine, make sure to stick to a daily schedule. Keep activities like walks and exercise around the same time daily to enforce routine and structure. It will also tucker the little one out so by the time you get home, they’re ready for a good night’s sleep. The same goes for feeding time, cuddle time and play time.
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