29 Oct Puptopia “Indie Pup” & “Pup Posse” Dog Walks
Dogs are social animals and both need and want playtime with other pups. When dogs are introduced to others, it is normal to see them create a hierarchy and pack among the group. Much of this has to do with the individual dog’s temperament and personality as well as the breed itself. Dogs benefit greatly by being around other dogs, and when it comes to dog walking New York, it is no different. That said, when it comes to dog walking, studies have found that there is a “sweet spot” regarding the number of dogs walking together. The consensus among the researchers is that no more than three dogs together on a dog walk makes the dogs fall into a natural ease with each other, letting them concentrate more on play than on establishing group dynamics and pack behavior. NYC dog walking requires knowing how many pups to walk as well as how they are going to socialize.
Puptopia takes this research into consideration and places a limit of three dogs per NYC dog walking group, or as we like to call them “Pup Posses.” According to the ASPCA, a group of three dogs during a walk allows each dog to receive individual attention from the dog walker, interaction with the other two dogs, and ample time to stroll and exercise. The dog walker has better control and is able to assist the dogs with any anxiety or issues. Puptopia “Indie Pup” walks are just as the name suggest, just the NYC dog walker and the dog. This allows the dog to have as much custom time as needed, particularly important when walking the frantic, manic streets of the city.
During the time spent dog walking in Manhattan, Puptopia understands the need for personal attention and care for your beloved animal. Adhering to the research means the dogs walk in groups of no more than three pups. Puptopia watches the dog’s behavior carefully and strives to match up the dog with other like-personality dogs. Great examples include pairing up excitable dogs such as Jack Russells with other high-energy breeds like Rat Terriers, ensuring the dogs get the perfect amount of attention from both dog walker and other dogs.
One often-overlooked benefit of small groups is that the Manhattan dog walker has the ability to manage people as well as the dogs. For some dogs, constant human contact stresses them out or makes them uncomfortable. Because dog walking in Manhattan means being among lots of people, a smaller pup posse means the dog walker can direct people to not try and pet the dogs, or gently inform folks that the dogs need their space. This means a lot to those dogs that are shy or otherwise timid when confronted with well-meaning, but overbearing strangers on the street. Pup posse style walks also allows the Puptopia dog walker to see what the dogs like or don’t, allowing the group to modify the walk or park visit as necessary based on the small group’s preferences.
There is a time and place when dogs should be allowed to play and interact with larger groups of other dogs, but based on the current research, we feel it is not during walks. A small Pup Posse or Indie Pup walk with Puptopia ensures your four-legged family member gets the best and most effective walk during the time you are away. Any good New York City dog walking service, like Puptopia, knows how to best integrate the research and methods so your dog gets the absolute best New York dog walking experience possible.
San Francisco SPCA: Why Hire a Professional Dog Walker; http://www.sfspca.org/sites/default/files/pro-dog-walker.pdf
ASPCA: Dog Walking 101: http://www.aspca.org/pet-care/dog-care/dog-walking-101.aspx
– See more at: https://www.puptopianyc.com/2012/10/puptopia-indie-pup-pup-posse-dog-walks-are-more-benefical-for-your-dog/#respond
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