12 Aug A Walk in the Park Beats NYC Dog Day Care Anyday!
Dogs are pack animals, gregarious by nature and social beings. That said, dogs have evolved to bond with their human friends and buddies as if these humans were members of the pack. In short, you become your dog’s alpha. This is why some dogs simply do not like going off to “doggy daycare” centers. While dog daycare for the furry and four-legged set serves a great purpose, the facts are not all dogs like Manhattan dog day care. Dog walking makes for a wonderful alternative to away-from-home care and allows the dogs time to exercise and interact throughout the day.
A dog bonds not just with a person but also with its surroundings. When a dog becomes part of a family the home itself becomes the dog’s personal sanctum. The home or dwelling that is shared with the humans is the place a dog feels most comfortable. This is particularly so for Manhattan dogs. The city is stressful as it is, so when the pup is taken out of the familiar environment of his/her home and thrown into a Manhattan dog daycare center with many other dogs it can be a jolt to the dog’s nerves. The balance here comes in making sure the dog is not left alone too long and assuring the dog gets their needed exercise and social activities during the time their humans are gone from the house.
Dog walkers such at Puptopia know the dog feels most at home at home. The professional NYC dog walkers at Puptopia get to know each and every animal it is asked to care for and walk. Every dog has its own unique personality and needs, and a dog walker from Puptopia builds long term relationships with the dogs (and their owners) to ensure the dogs feel loved, cherished and “part of a pack” when their alphas are out working. Manhattan dog walkers take advantage of leash-free NYC dog parks, sidewalks and greenbelts allowing the dog to get out and exercise with the social aspect they need without being “thrown into a new pack” the doggie daycare centers provide. Luckily there are several good Manhattan dog parks to take advantage of.
One thing that is often overlooked in regards to a dog’s comfort is the dog’s sense of smell. A dog’s olfactory system is the trigger for memories and good feelings. Their own home is full of scents and aromas of their human friends, favorite toys, water dish and food etc. Going for a walk with a friend from Puptopia keeps the dog surrounded with the familiar. Because the Puptopia Manhattan dog walker knows the dog and picks them up at their own home, the experience is extremely positive and even looked forward to by the pooch.
One, two or more walks a day are possible from the Puptopia dog pros. If you have a young and active dog, walks may include a trip to a leash free NYC dog run like Madison Square Park Dog Run for fetch and games. Or, a brisk walk along the river in Chelsea Hudson River Park or an adventure in Central Park. If the dog is older and mellow, the Puptopia walk may be a casual stroll down the street with extra ear scratches and love, or some pampering in the park. The service is built around the individual dog, instead of an nyc doggie daycare system where the dog gets released into a wild and unfamiliar pack.
There is no substitute for the dog’s owners but when the time comes to go to work the Puptopia Manhattan dog walking service is the way to go. Long-term friendships with the furry pups are the goal. Customer service includes the humans and the dogs.
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