09 Jul Best Dogs For New York City
People often ask us, what are the best dogs for New York City? Or, what are the best dog breeds for NYC? We honestly feel that if trained right, any dog can live a happy life in Manhattan. There are things to consider, for example, some dog breeds definitely need more exercise, while others may be more fragile. However, when picking a dog breed we believe it’s more important to pick based on the type of lifestyle you live. Are you looking for a lap dog, or are you looking for a dog that you can go jogging with everyday? Do you have children that could potentially hurt a smaller more fragile dog? These are just some of the questions you should ask yourself before purchasing a dog. According to the AKC, here is a list of the most popular dog breeds in New York City.
It’s interesting to see on the AKC list what people consider the best NYC dogs, and how some breeds jump up the list drastically from one year to another. These breed popularity increases are often influenced by someone like President Obama getting a Portuguese Water Dog, or believe it or not, due to movies or books. After the novel The Hundred and One Dalmatians and the Disney movie 101 Dalmatians were released there was a massive surge in the popularity of the Dalmatian. Unfortunately, that also created a rise in irresponsible breeding and people purchasing Dalmatians without knowing they were high-energy breeds. As a result, many animal shelters were bombarded with abandoned Dalmatians because there were many dog owners that didn’t learn about the breed’s characteristics before purchasing and weren’t ready for the responsibility.
Again, we at Puptopia don’t think you should base your purchase on lists featuring the most popular dogs in NYC. Ultimately, we believe that if you pick a dog breed that matches your lifestyle, and take the time to raise it properly, you’ll have a happy dog and forge a special, wonderful new friendship.
– See more at: https://www.puptopianyc.com/blog/#sthash.uUGzIaDX.dpuf
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