15 Dec Fight Bad Breath: 5 Tips
Just like humans, it is important for dogs to have healthy teeth in order to prevent gum disease and the buildup of plaque. Unfortunately, dogs do not have opposable thumbs and can’t brush their teeth themselves. It is up to us–their owners-to keep their pearly whites nice and clean!
For those who might be scoffing at the idea of brushing your dog’s teeth every single day, doing so can greatly improve your pup’s health and prevent issues down the line. Plus,think of all the money you’ll save. It is a pretty penny to have your veterinarian perform a dental cleaning and possibly have to pull teeth!
Of course, there are many dogs that dislike having their teeth brushed and fight tooth and nail, leading many owners to forgo this important practice. It is incredibly draining when your dog kicks up a fuss night after night the minute they see the toothbrush and the toothpaste come out. After all, who wants to fight their pet every single night just to brush their teeth?
However, since having healthy teeth is important for dogs, it’s a good idea to teach your dog to enjoy having their pearly whites brushed. That way, you won’t have to spend a fortune having their teeth cleaned and pulled, and you’ll lessen their chances of gingival hyperplasia (enlarged gums due to bacteria growth) or getting plaque build up.
Start here
- Start your puppy off on the right foot, and work with him or her every day on getting used to the toothbrush and having their muzzle handled. The more time you spend on creating positive associations, the easier it will be to brush your puppy’s teeth and save you lots of heartache when they are older.
- If your dog is not a puppy, then it is best to use counterconditioning, preferably under the direction of a skilled force-free trainer. It’s very important that you move slowly, and at your dog’s own pace. Pair handling with a tasty treat or happy play session. It may take several months until your pet is comfortable with having their lips lifted and their teeth brushed, but with plenty of patience and effort, your dog won’t recoil the minute they see the toothbrush come out.
- Use your finger at first. Instead of trying to brush teeth with a toothbrush right away, put the toothpaste on your finger. Once your pup is ok with your finger moving around their mouth, wrap a bit of gauze around your finger and let them get used to that before making the jump to a toothbrush.
- Use flavored, pet specific toothpaste. I know as a young child I preferred brushing my teeth with strawberry flavored toothpaste that was designed especially for youngsters. In order to make your dog’s experience with the tooth brush a bit more positive, purchase a variety of flavored toothpastes. Experiment and find one your pup loves the taste of! Just make sure to only toothpastes formulated specifically for pets.
- Once your dog is comfortable with having their muzzle handle,you can buy a double-sided toothbrush that has a larger brush and a smaller brush in order to increase their comfort level.My younger dog Zoe did not like having her teeth brushed, so once we progressed to the point where I could put a brush on her teeth, I used the smaller side first until she was more comfortable with the feeling of bristles. Sure, the larger toothbrush might cover more ground, but a smaller toothbrush isn’t as invasive, and can help your pooch feel more comfortable with having bristles moved around on their fangs.
Brush Away!
Teaching your dog that the toothbrush isn’t scary will help make dental maintenance time an absolute breeze. Plus, it will also help prevent you from having to spend hundreds of dollars on dental cleanings and tooth extractions at the veterinarian every year.
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