01 Dec Relax: Why Self-Care Is Important
When both you and your dog are having a bad day… make sure that you take some time for yourself!
Owning a fearful dog can be stressful! If your dog is seriously noise phobic, then it can be a major trial just taking them for a simple walk if you live in a noisy city like New York.
What has become background noise for you is a nightmare for your dog. Whether it is the sound of a car backfiring, construction work, or cars honking, every little sound turns your pet into a terrified mess. It’s also a nightmare for you because now you have to find a quiet area to walk your dog, stock up on anti-anxiety medication, and brush up on your counterconditioning and desensitization techniques in a desperate attempt to keep them relatively calm.
It is also not a walk in the park if you own a reactive dog or a canine that is aggressive. You have to carefully plan your walks so that your pooch won’t see their trigger and and turn into Cujo on leash. That often means getting up at the crack of dawn before work or going to desolate areas at night to make sure that your beloved pet can still get their exercise.
Of course, there’s also the financial stress on your wallet. Working with fearful dogs isn’t as easy as teaching basic obedience to a puppy, and classes aren’t always cheap. To make things even worse, sometimes you need to work with a veterinary behaviorist or consult with both your veterinarian and your trainer to find the right anti-anxiety medication for your pooch, which can drain your wallet.
Fearful dog owners also have to be extremely consistent about working with their dogs. It can be absolutely disheartening when you’re making a ton of progress and then all of a sudden, your dog takes several steps back. It’s easy to get upset, scream and cry. After all, it can be hard to find support unless you know other fearful dog owners or are members of an online support group. It can be difficult for your friends and family members who own confident canines to understand what you are going through.
This is why it is so important that fearful dog owners practice self-care. When both you and your dog are having a bad day or you’re feeling depressed at the lack of progress, make sure that you take some time for yourself. Practicing self-care can be as extravagant or as simple as you like. Booking a relaxing massage, go for a manicure and a pedicure. Or simply curl up with some junk food, your significant other and binge-watch television shows on Netflix. Taking some time for yourself will help keep the stress at bay.
If you routinely practice self-care as the owner of a fearful dog, it will be easier to maintain perspective and keep yourself from becoming frustrated when your pooch hits a roadblock in their training. After all, dogs can easily read their owner’s body language so if you’re stressed and on edge, they’re going to be stressed and on edge during walks, which will only make things worse.
If you’re able to keep your cool and not stress, you’ll be able to calmly help your pooch work through their fears. Definitely make sure that you take some time out for yourself every day. That way, you’ll be able to stay clear-headed and help your dog overcome their fear!
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