30 Sep Resources
Puptopia Articles
- How To Crate Train Your Dog
- Advantages of NYC Dog Walker Over NYC Dog Day Care
- Canine Eye Problems and Canine Eye Care
- Ultimate Dog Resource Guide
- Dog Training Resource Guide
- www.worldwildlifefund.org
World Wildlife Fund - www.greenpeace.org/usa
Greenpeace - www.aspca.org/aspca-nyc
ASPCA New York City - www.dogstardaily.com
Excellent information on how to raise your puppy, dog training, dog behavior and free downloadable dog training resources! - http://www.whole-dog-journal.com/
“Guide to natural dog food, dog care and dog training.” - www.dogtime.com
Dog training, dog breeds, and other topics. - www.petside.com
Pet health information. - www.avma.org
American Veterinary Medical Association - http://www.petmd.com/
WebMD, but specifically for pets. Check out the “Ask a Vet” section where you can ask veterinarians questions online. - exchanges.webmd.com/pet-health-exchange
WebMD Pet Health Community - www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/newpetfoodrecalls
Pet Food Recall Products List - http://www.vet.cornell.edu/library/
Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine resource library - www.animal.discovery.com
Informative TV shows about dogs and other useful resources. - animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals
Animals, as only legendary National Geographic can showcase them to you. - www.nyc.gov/html/doh/html/vet/vet-doglicense.shtml
Law requires that all NYC dogs be licensed. Apply here to get your NYC dog walking tags. - www.nycgovparks.org/facilities/dogruns
NYC dog runs and NYC dog friendly parks, and the rules governing them. - http://www.thebark.com/
Dog culture and lifestyle - www.parkeastanimalhospital.com
Park East Animal Hospital - www.akc.org
American Kennel Club - www.petworldradio.net
Educational weekly talk radio show on pets. - www.apdt.com
Association of Pet Dog Trainers - www.pbs.org/wgbh/woof
PBS series explaining how to live happily with your dog. - www.petinsurancereview.com/reviewStart.asp
Reviews of the best pet health insurance plans
– See more at: https://www.puptopianyc.com/test/nyc-dog-walking-resources/#sthash.3g9TvuYA.dpuf
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