20 Oct The Benefits Of Owning a Dog
Happy Monday Puptopians! It’s time to rise and shine and get ready for the beautiful week ahead. But before you do all that, let’s get into something real! Getting a puppy is a BIG decision, like the biggest, and as with everything, there are pros and cons. Today, because it’s a Monday, we’re going to start with the PROS of getting a dog. Meaning we’re going to talk about all the cool benefits getting a dog will actually have on your health and well-being. Yay!
1. Dogs Help Relieve Stress
Studies show that people who interact with dogs have lower stress levels than people who don’t. This also affects people who bring their dogs to work, which leads to more energized, productive, satisfied employees. No wonder we have so much fun here at the Puptopia headquarters!
2. Dogs Can Keep You Active
As dogs need to be walked, played with and given attention numerous times through the day, they definitely have a positive effect on our health. Most dog owners get more than 30 minutes of exercise per day because of their furry best friends. As you know, regular exercise lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease and keeps you and your dog in tip-top shape!
3. Dogs = Healthier Family
Being around dogs while growing up can actually prevent children from developing allergies. This starts when you’re still in your mother’s womb and makes children a lot less likely to develop allergies towards animal hair and dander. It also prevents eczema in adults!
4. Dogs Make You Happy
Now this one is just obvious! People who own dogs are less likely to suffer from depression. It is even a recommended treatment for people who become clinically depressed, as looking after a pet can help them through a depressive episode and can be more effective than medication. The love you receive from a dog, as well as the exercise required when looking after a pooch, helps people remain positive. Just looking at your dog increases the amount of the “feel good” chemical produced in your brain.
5. Dogs Prevent Sickness
OK, so they don’t prevent it as much as they help their owners get sick less often, but that’s pretty incredible too! As dogs can covered in germs, they help us build up immunity towards germs, allowing us to get sick less often. BONUS!
Want more info on the cool health benefits of owning a dog? Check out this great infographic and learn all about it:
Now let’s test it! Does this video of adorable puppies put you in a better mood or not? Leave your answers in the comments below or let us know on Facebook!
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